Acceptable Use Policy (Paid users)

These are the only policys that apply for paid users. (A paid user is someone who has spent money on a server, Free credits and Free Trials dont count.)

Common disallowed actions/software to avoid includes but is not limited to:

- Anything illegal under EU, US or Oregon law (DDoS tools, Child pornography, Copyrighted content, Vulnerability scanning, Email Bombers, etc.)
- Any activity which causes service interruptions to either SkyForge Hosting's network/servers or any outside network. This includes, but is not limited to, the execution of Denial of Service attacks or other maliciously configured software.
- Using a bug with the Disk/CPU/RAM limits to cause your usage to go over the limit you are supposed to have.
- Do not create multiple accounts.

Acceptable Use Policy (Free users)

This only applies to free servers, We have a separate policy for our free users becuase they are sharing one node and are commonly used for abuse.

Common disallowed actions/software to avoid includes but is not limited to:

- Everything from the paid user policy
- Registered email can recieve and send emails from at all times (no temp mails, relays).
- CPU/RAM/Disk filling tools (Crypto miners, Complex equations that uses a large amount of resources for a long period of time)
- Breaking 3rd party TOS (As an example if your bot needs an API following the API's TOS)
- Do not host proxys/VPNs.
- Be active at least once every 28 days (manage files, login + visit account page, do a power action).